Wednesday, January 23, 2008


You know, there is an old saying, "what goes around, comes around!" and we have to BELIEVE that is true (as M.I. has taught me, we must believe in something). It's called karma and one day the creeps of this world that cause us heartache and sometimes pain will someday get it back 10 times worse (hopefully more). It may not happen right away. It may not happen next week or even 3 months from now. But when it does happen, look out! It's going to feel like someone hit them in the head with a shovel!

I am at a complete loss as to why people go through life lying. What do they get out of it? Eventually they get caught. Hell, sometimes when they do get caught, they cover it up with another lie. And it just goes on and on and on and on. I really believe that it gets to a point where their lies become their truth. They lie so much that lying is their reality. They lie to get what they want and then lie some more to get out of what they don't want anymore! They even lie to make themselves look good. It's truly disgusting and pathetic!

Are there times when the truth needs to be told a little bit differently? Well ... sure! But that does not mean you need to be a pathological liar! Sometimes the "real" truth hurts, but it must be told. I would rather be hurt with the truth then lied to! I believe the hurt and betrayal felt from a lie is definitely worse then hearing the truth from the beginning!

Well my little Pinnochio's let us keep in mind ... Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos and what you do today, will burn your ass tomorrow!


Malicious Intent said...

Karma is a Goddess is she will bitch slap your ass! People are always going to lie, the trick is trying to recognize those red flags to warn us to watch out. Some folks are just really good at keep those red flags hidden under their coat.

Phoenix Rose said...

or in their pants LOL LOL LOL or maybe not so much in their pants LOL LOL LOL

Bruce, a work in progress said...

I love that line at the end! Is that original? Can I use it?

My father used to say "Old payback is hell". That was his way of expressing that Karma is real even though I'm sure he'd never heard of Karma. You just have to trust that the payback will come - in it's own time. You may not see it but it will happen.

Phoenix Rose said...

Bruce, that is not an original joke, so you may use it. I do have many "phoenixrosisms" that will come to me and will be used in my blogs. You may use any of those as well. "I share my lines" LOL LOL LOL

You are so right, he will get his! And man it will hit him so F'ing hard he won't know what hit him.